Hear from diverse perspectives about how to communicate science through storytelling!


I organized a full-day symposium, “Science Through Narrative: Engaging Broad Audiences,” with invited and contributing presenters from multiple scientific and artistic disciplines. This event took place as a society-wide offering at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative & Comparative Biology (SICB) in San Francisco in January 2018.

See below for photos, sketch notes, and open access papers from the symposium!

This symposium completely changed my perspective on crafting presentations and communicating my science. The tips and advice I learned have paid dividends in many of my professional endeavors. For example, I won a prestigious award for a talk I gave at a scientific meeting in 2021, and I believe it was the narrative approach to my presentation that helped it resonate with both the judges and the attendees.
— Dr. Lucas N. Weaver, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Earth Sciences, Kent State University

Sketch Notes

Sketch note artist Shayle Matsuda (@wrong_whale) created these fun visual summaries from some of the invited talks:

A complete list of speakers and presentations is available on the official symposium webpage.


Volume cover featuring an image from the symposium paper by Ari Rudenko.

Volume cover featuring an image from a symposium paper by Prehistoric Body Theater Founder & Artistic Director Ari Rudenko.

A collection of papers based on several of the symposium presentations is now published and available for FREE in the peer-reviewed journal Integrative & Comparative Biology!

For additional coverage of this symposium, see the SICB press release and posts on Twitter under the hashtag #sci_narrative_2018.

You can also learn about the symposium in this article on the PLOS SciComm Blog:

This symposium was made possible by our generous sponsors:

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